Metaclass in Python

Divya Khatnar
4 min readFeb 28, 2023


Understand the advance concept of metaclass with a real time example.

A metaclass is a class that defines the behavior of other classes. It is used to control the creation of new classes, just as a class is used to control the creation of new objects.

When you define a class in Python, the interpreter creates a new class object by invoking the type() metaclass. The type() metaclass is responsible for creating and initializing the class object with its attributes, methods, and properties.

A custom metaclass can be used to control the creation of new classes by overriding the default behavior of the type() metaclass. This can be useful when you want to customize the behavior of classes in your program or enforce certain constraints on class definition.

The __new__() method is the most commonly overridden method in a metaclass. It is called when a new class is created and returns a new class object. By overriding the __new__() method, you can customize the way that new classes are created and initialized.

Here’s an example of a simple metaclass definition:.

class NewMeta(type):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
# Custom behavior here
return super().__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)

class MyClass(metaclass=NewMeta):

In this example, NewMeta is a custom metaclass that inherits from type. It overrides the __new__() method to customize the creation of new classes. MyClass is a new class that uses NewMetaas its metaclass. When MyClass is defined, the __new__() method of NewMetais called to create and initialize the class object.

An easy real-time day to day example of metaclass could be a framework for validating user input in a web application.

In this example, we can define a metaclass that automatically generates a validator function for each class that needs input validation. The validator function can check if the input data conforms to a specified schema and raise an exception if it doesn’t.

Here’s an example implementation:
class ValidatorMeta(type):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
# Check if the class has a _schema attribute that specifies the input schema
if '_schema' not in attrs:
raise ValueError(f"Class {name} must define a '_schema' attribute")

schema = attrs['_schema']

# Add a validate() function to the class that validates input data against the schema
def validate(cls, data):
for key in schema:
if key not in data:
raise ValueError(f"Missing field: {key}")
if not isinstance(data[key], schema[key]):
raise ValueError(f"Invalid type for field {key}: {type(data[key])}")
return True

attrs['validate'] = classmethod(validate)

return super().__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)

class User(metaclass=ValidatorMeta):
_schema = {
'username': str,
'password': str,
'email': str,
'age': int

user_data = {
'username': 'john123',
'password': 'mypassword',
'email': '',
'age': '35'

User.validate(user_data) # Raises ValueError: Invalid type for field age: <class 'str'>

In this example, ValidatorMeta is the metaclass used to create the User class. When User is defined, the __new__() method of ValidatorMeta is called to add the validate() method to the class.

The _schema attribute specifies the input schema that the validator function should use to validate the input data. The validate() method checks if each field in the input data is present and has the correct type according to the schema. If any field is missing or has an invalid type, a ValueError is raised.

Using a metaclass to generate the input validation code makes it easy to add this functionality to any class that needs it, without having to write custom validation code for each class.

Metaclasses are used for a variety of purposes, such as:

  1. Customizing class creation: Metaclasses can be used to customize the way that new classes are created. This can include adding new attributes or methods to the class, validating class attributes or methods, and enforcing naming conventions.
  2. Implementing singletons: Metaclasses can be used to implement singleton classes, which are classes that can only be instantiated once. This is useful in situations where you want to ensure that there is only one instance of a class in your application.
  3. Enforcing interfaces: Metaclasses can be used to enforce interfaces, which are a set of methods that a class must implement. This can be useful in situations where you want to ensure that classes that implement a specific interface can be used interchangeably.
  4. Implementing class factories: Metaclasses can be used to implement class factories, which are functions that create new classes dynamically based on their input parameters. This can be useful in situations where you need to create a large number of similar classes with slightly different behavior.

While metaclasses can be a powerful tool in Python, they also have some potential disadvantages that you should be aware of:

  1. Metaclasses can be complex: Metaclasses can add complexity to your code, making it harder to understand and maintain. They can also make it more difficult for other developers to understand your code.
  2. Metaclasses can be difficult to debug: Since metaclasses can modify the behavior of classes in unexpected ways, it can be difficult to debug code that uses metaclasses. It can also be difficult to understand the behavior of a class if it uses a metaclass.
  3. Metaclasses can make code less portable: If you use a metaclass in your code, it may not be compatible with other Python implementations or versions. This can make it harder to share your code with other developers or deploy it on different systems.
  4. Metaclasses can make code less flexible: If you use a metaclass to enforce certain constraints on class definition, it can make your code less flexible and harder to modify. It can also make it more difficult to create subclasses of your classes.
  5. Metaclasses can be overkill for many use cases: While metaclasses can be useful for certain use cases, they are not always necessary. In many cases, it may be simpler and more maintainable to use regular classes and functions instead.

In general, it’s important to use metaclasses judiciously and only when they are necessary for your specific use case. If you do decide to use a metaclass, make sure that you thoroughly test and document your code to avoid unexpected behavior or compatibility issues.

