Resume Writing Tips for Freshers

Divya Khatnar
2 min readJul 9, 2021


Your resume is a way for you to showcase yourself in the job. You need to be creative and smart enough to be extraordinary to grab attention of a recruiter.
There are two kinds of tips that are specific to a resume, first, generic tips and second, specific to one’s field of study. We will discuss both in this article.

Fact: Recruiters generally spend only 5–6 seconds on a resume.
This article will help you to stand out and pass that initial scan of the recruiter.


  1. Grammar, grammar, grammar!!! — Make sure you use the right grammar while framing your points, for instance if you are currently working on a project mention present continuous tense. Be very particular of what work/project you are doing and what you have done.
  2. Be clear — Keep your resume points brief. Break a complex statement and try to rewrite in as simple statements as you can. Remember that the recruiter might not be of the same background as you are.
  3. Be consistent and precise!
  4. Do not write big paragraphs, instead use phrases
  5. Include an introductory statement of yours — giving a one liner summary of your field of study/expertise as the opening statement of the resume. This will help recruiters to identify your specialization.
  6. Do not exceed 1 page.
  7. Try to tabularize your data as much as possible — Representing data in a form of a table helps to visualize better and grabs more attention while reading. So go for it. You can add tables for your educational background, projects/researches you did, your skills and so on.
  8. Write about skills/projects/research which you are confident and comfortable talking about.
  9. Make a table named “Education Background ” and mention about your education history starting from latest degree.
  10. Finally, before the interview, run through your resume and rehearse what you have written in the same.

Specific to one’s field of study (For STEM):

  1. Follow the generic tips :)
  2. Highlight your skills that you want to showcase in your resume in Bold. This will help draw attention to things you are most comfortable with.
  3. Divide your resume in minimum 5 sections, namely, Introduction/Objective, Skills, Education Background, Project/Research, Internships.
  4. Divide your skills in different labels, for example Backend Languages, Frontend Languages, Database etc.
  5. While talking about Project/Research be very clear and try not to write paragraph. Instead, keep it as brief as possible.
  6. Mention about the skills that you gained while working on the projects in a summary.
  7. While writing about internship, mention about the skills you gained, languages you used/learnt and finally, environments you used. Having an industry level experience can make you noticeable.
  8. You can also mention about any workshops that you attended and what you learnt from that



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